Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday 7/9 Update

Saturday Afternoon Update:

Still looking at some serious heat and humidity for the next 3 days or so.  As expected, Heat Advisories have been posted this afternoon for parts of the area, starting tomorrow.  The NWS Paducah office has included all of their counties in southeast MO in a Heat Advisory for Sunday from Noon-6PM, with heat index values expected to reach up to 105.  The NWS Memphis office has included the MO Bootheel & northwest TN in a Heat Advisory effective from 10AM Sunday-10PM Monday, with heat index values expected to reach 105-110 both days. 
Oppressive heat and humidity on the way!  With sunshine back this weekend, temperatures will once again be heading back to the low 90's today, with thermometers climbing even higher over the next couple of days.  The real kicker will be the high humidity, with dew points headed to the mid 70's Sunday-Wednesday, which will lead to some potentially dangerous heat index values.  The NWS in Memphis has issued an Excessive Heat Watch for the MO Bootheel & Gibson, Dyer, Lake, and Obion Co., TN, for Sunday & Monday...where peak heat index values may reach 107-113.  The NWS Paducah issued a Special Weather Statement for now, but with peak heat index values likely to reach advisory criteria of 105, I expect at least a Heat Advisory to be issued later today or tomorrow.


For many of us, extreme heat is just a nuisance that makes outdoor activities uncomfortable...but heat is actually the number one weather-related killer in the U.S.  On average, heat is responsible for more deaths each year than tornadoes and hurricanes combined.  So be sure to use caution and common sense over the next few days when dealing with the elements.  Be sure to stay hydrated, take breaks, dress appropriately, and check on friends, family, and neighbors that may not have access to air conditioning.  Also remember your pets and livestock with plenty of cold water and some shade.  For more information on heat safety, check out this link from the National Weather Service.

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